We see you and your world

Fundraising and Marketing
for a Better World

More reach
for your NGO:
Google Ad Grants

Being seen is the first step towards increasing your impact. Google Ad Grants offers nonprofits up to $10,000 per month in free advertising.

As “Google Ad Grants Certified Professional” agency we help nonprofits make the most of their free Google Ad Grants advertising budget. Ad Grants is an outstanding tool for increasing your reach and every organisation should make best us of it.

Authentic Impact.

Our vision is a world where non-profit organisations and social enterprises have as much power and influence as established businesses.

As a holistic marketing and communications agency, we specialise in working with non-profit organisations and see the needs and challenges of our clients.

We offer tailored solutions based on the needs and opportunities available. We have worked with most of our clients for many years.

Case Studies

A selection of projects with a positive impact in the world

More Impact

Charicomm currently supports more than 80 international organizations.

Charicomm currently supports more than 80 German and international organizations.

Together we can make
your world seen

Get in touch with us or
simply write us a message
via the contact form!

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